California Agricultural & Food Processing Tour

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]February 9, 2020 to February 16, 2020

Event Type: Trade                                                                                Duration: 8 Days


This will be an interactive tour specifically for farmers and food processors. The tour will visit Sacramento the state capitol of California, where the participants will attend an Ag Conference at UC Davis, and visit the R Kelley Farms for an interactive session on farming, Capay Hills Orchard  nut farm, and Say Hay Farms to learn about Whole Farm Management, and the Fishery, Inc. where the participants will visit the leading catfish aquaculture farm in California.


The tour will continue on to Santa Rosa where multiple live farm tours will take place. Tours include visits to livestock ranches, and vegetable and fruit farms. The tour will also take you to Santa Clara (passing through San Francisco) to attend a Food Processing Expo where participants can gain firsthand knowledge on the food processing industry and equipment. The tour will proceed to Bakersfield to visit a live cattle ranch where participants will learn about establishing cattle ranches in Africa. The tour will end in Los Angeles where the farmers will learn about Jatropha-To-Biodiesel opportunities designed for Sub Saharan Africa as well as food processing for the small farmer.


While in Los Angeles participants will have the opportunity to take a tour of Downtown Los Angeles (California largest city) and Hollywood, one of California’s largest GDP producers.


Minimum Number of Guest Required for this event: 40

Arrive Sacramento, Sunday February 9th and check in hotel

Univ. California, Davis Ag Conference & Farm Tours, Monday February 10th

Santa Rosa multiple farm tours, Tuesday February 11th

Santa Clara food processing expo, Wednesday February 12th

Bakersfield stop over for cattle ranch tour, Thursday February 13th

Los Angeles farmers meeting and tour, Friday February 14th

Free Day Saturday February 15th

Depart Sunday February 16th


Register by October 30, 2019                                    Event Fee: $2,100.00 per person


Add $790.00 per person for Single Occupancy Room

Most meals included in price (breakfast/dinner, no lunch)


NOTE: Flight will arrive Sacramento, California and depart Los Angeles, California[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sidebar-events”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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